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Edwards Lifesciences is the global leader in cardiovascular disease research and development of heart valves and hemodynamic monitoring technology. Their inventions include tissue replacement heart valves, transcatheter heart valves, and Forgarty catheters.
















Edwards creates speciality teams for each and every part of cardiovascular surgery from the anesthesia team to the surgical team to hospital administration. It's quite clear that they are the experts in their field. 
















As part of their dedication to support communities, especially communities committed to educating about science and how to improve the quality of life, Edwards has partnered with AISS for many years. Dmitriy Pastarnak of Edwards Lifesciences serves on the AISS board of directors. Dmitriy and Edwards take the time and effort to show our scholars around their facility and to teach about their research and about cardiovascular disease. 


Thank you Dmitriy and Edwards Lifesciences! 



Dmitriy Pastarnak explains the different technology in the lab to the AISS scholars. 

After their tour around the facility, AISS scholars explore to learn more about cardiovascular technology.

AISS board member and Edwards Lifesciences employee Dmitriy Pastarnak shows AISS class of 2015 around the Edwards facility. 

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