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Marcos Rodriguez


 When I was 6 years old, I loved to play with building blocks. I was fascinated by all the ways I could build a house out of these simple toy blocks. I have been interested in building since then. 

Now that I am 16, I volunteer in Kidworks and Immaculate Heart of Mary. I am secretary in a leadership group called CLOSA and a member in the YEN empowerment group to change the community for the better. I am also in the choir at the Immaculate Heart of Mary where I play the electric bass every Sunday at 8am. 


I plan to major in Civil Engineering because of my passion for building and working outside with others. What I have learned from Achievement Institute of Scientific Studies (AISS) are presentation skills, networking, and personal experience in the working field. Such as the trip we took to the Michael Baker International. While there, I was able to experience how the interview process worked and how busy yet fun the working field is. I met successful people who shared their path to becoming successful and how they ending up where they work. 


I am interested in attending Cal Poly Pomona, UC Berkeley, or Oregon State University. I have visited Pomona many times and get more enthusiastic about applying there after each visit. These are some of the most successful schools that major in civil engineering, or more specifically Structural Engineering. 

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